Ayurveda is the ancient system of medicine in the world. Ayurveda is the science of life and aims for Prevention (Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam) and Cure from the disease (Athurasya vikara prasamanam).
"Samadosha, samagnischa samadhatumala kriyaha
prasanna atmenindriya manaha swasthya ityabhidheeyate"
Ayurveda emphasises that health is not only the state of not having disease but, it is the state of Equilibrium of Dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), Dathu (Tissues), Agni and Mala (Body waste). It also includes the Prasanna (pleasant) Atma, Indriya (sense organs) and Manas (mind).
Sarve Santhu Niramaya
May All be free from disease
Ayurveda Treatments

The aging process occurs over all the body. It does not occur in the same way in every human being. People’s lifestyles also have additional influence on aging

Senile Memory Impairment is a common condition characterized by mild symptoms of cognitive decline and occurs as a part of the normal aging process
RNS Yukti Ayurveda Pharmacy

Our passion to experience wellness by all, coupled with gathering wisdom from over 50 years of practice by Stalwarts in the field, Pharmacy has been established with a fervent belief to provide best quality medicines and rasayanas exploring the benefits of Ayurveda to combat intractable non-communicable diseases.
Our medicines from Ayurvedic classical treatises are being manufactured according to the texts (Shastric). Best quality practices have been adopted and monitored to ensure standard procedures are in place and effective raw materials have been used to bring the best potency out of the required herbs and minerals. Read More
