Yukti Ayurveda

Preventive and Curative treatment through proven wisdom

About Us

Yukti Ayurveda has been established with noble intention ofprovidingauthentic Ayurvedictreatment in a serene and idealenvironment. Our services include Consultations, Panchakarma services and Wellness Counselling with the knowledge and experience gained from exploring the benefits of Ayurveda that helps mainly in prevention and cure of various illnesses.

RNS Yukti Ayurveda Pharmacy

Our passion to experience wellness by all, coupled with gathering wisdom from over 50 years of practice by Stalwarts in the field, Pharmacy has been established with a fervent belief to provide best quality medicines and rasayanas exploring the benefits of Ayurveda to combat intractable non-communicable diseases.

Our medicines from Ayurvedic classical treatisesare being manufactured according to the texts Shastric. Best quality practices have been adopted and monitored to ensure standard procedures are in place and effective raw materials have been used to bring the best potency out of the required herbs and minerals. Simple, yet effective Shastric medicines have been produced that help alleviate Immuno-compromising disorders, common ailments like allergies, anemia, improving general health and immunity against infections.